
it's hard to remember how it felt before
now I found the love of my life
passes things get more comfortable
everything is going right

and after all the obstacles
it's good to see you now with someone else
and it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends

we used to think it was impossible
now you call me by my new last name
memories seem like so long ago
time always kills the pain

look how all the kids have grown
we have changed but we're still the same

1 comentário:

Catas disse...

"and after all the obstacles
it's good to see you now with someone else
and it's such a miracle that you and me are still good friends"
e isto deve-se ao facto de "time always kills the pain"
sempre te dei a minha opiniao sobre isto, e julgo que ela foi bem sucedida :)
ps: sou o amor da tua vida (a) és a irmã de coraçao eterna, pois eu sei tao mas t-ã-o bem que a nossa amizade will always be the same (: